These are smart home's smart gadgets

Now you can make your home techihome because of new technology and gadgets.
Wanna know how lets see.

Griffin power dock 5- latest power dock from griffing is based on simple technology.
This not an invention but it can help you many ways.
This gadgets packs 10 vatt of electricity for each ports .which is very good to charge an iOS device. This gadgets can easily charge your kindle or android phone.

Price is about 6309

Kwikset kevo- there are many smart locks available in market but kevo is best.
This is safe. It can be easily open by a bluetooth.

Philips hue connected blub-  this is an light blub that  can connect to your smartphone.
This gadgets will give you ability to switch on or off your lights by using smartphone.
You can change colour of lights.

These are some gadgets who can make your home gadgets less home i will back with more info so stay tuned
Price of this gadget is 12616 inr


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