How to reach champions with th7 or th8
There are many who plays coc. Some are happy to be a farmer and some of them (like me) try to get to higher league no matter why you are trying to reach champions for gems or for something else like dark etc
The question is how to reach champions and become a champ.
Here we go
My story-how I reached champions
I was in my friends house playing coc suddenly he says he bro why are you still in gold look I am in masters and reaching masters is not that easy. Then I said to him - I can reach champions and please shut your mouth
He said- saying is easy and doing is hard
He was right reaching champions with th 7 is very hard but not impossible
Those words gives me a lot of pain so I decided to reach champions.
Journey from gold to crystal
I used brb arch to reach to the crystal 3 they are great because they can keep your loot as high as possible. And they take less time then any other army. You can add minions to that army.
Give it a try friends.
Cc troops - no need
Spells- no need of spells .but always carry one healing to support you in various condition
Journey from crystal 3 to crystal one -
Reaching Cristal took me no time. I was doing wiz and giants attack.
In this composition I used 24 giants 16 wiz 4 wb and 8 arch(archers are there to attract cc troops outside because I Dont want to waste wiz and giants for them).
They works great for me and helped me to collect a lot of dark and trophies.
Very important note- Dont waste dark here they are price less.
Cc troops-lvl 6+ giants
Spells- 2 healing one rage
Journey from Crystal 1 to master 1- I used ballonion here.(ballons and minions)
They works great to get 2 star on any th8 or on th7
Note- Dont try to destroy th8 if you are getting enough th7s.
Use 24 ballons and other minions first use balloons to distract the defense and then use minions to help them to destroy half base
Use minions for th sniping until your army gets ready.
And you can cock some extra minions for th sniping whenever your wiz and giants are getting ready.
Cc troops- lvl 6 loons
Spells- two healing and one rage
2 rage 1healing
Journey from masters third to champions- I used 34 hogs and other archers. Archers are to kill cc troops.
Here we reach champions
It took me only 8 days to reach champions
Please Dont worry about dark you will get enough dark in masters because they pays 500 dark for each successful attack
Cc troops - lvl 5 hogs
Spells- three healing nothing else
And whenever your dark storage gets low use wiz and giants army to gain more dark
Some important notes to reach
1-keep your th out side
2- play coc continuously for two or three hours.
3- Dont worry about loot you will get enough bonous in high league.
4-never loose hope
You can do this 😊
5- do th sniping in your free time.
6- if you are sniping town halls always go for a easy target Dont even try to snipe any th with loots of defense.
7-if you can't play coc for more then 4 hours a day just forget about reaching champions you can't reach even masters with that attitude.
8-always check cc(clan castle first).
9-dont try new army because this is not a good time to try one.
And last tips form my heart
Don't play coc too much other wise you will get mad.
Best of luck guys.
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Now I am trying to reach titan with th7 so I will post another great post on how to reach titan with th7
so stay tuned. Subscribe to my blog to get fast notification of new posts
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